Tuby System
Tuby System: a dynamic system that enhances spaces, enriching their functionality and form.
- Ring System
- Telaio System
- Animé
- Animé Hand wash
- Mirror Tuby
General informations:
- Pipes and aluminium connectors system
- 19 joints
- 7 tubulars
- Ring and Frame available in Arblu color and metal lacquer finishes
Arblu colors
Bianco antico - 1046
Cipria - 1047
Corallo - 1048
Paprika - 1063
Rosso Pompei - 1062
Scarlatto - 1049
Terra bruciata - 1060
Mosto - 1023
Arblu colors
Bianco antico - 1046
Cipria - 1047
Corallo - 1048
Paprika - 1063
Rosso Pompei - 1062
Scarlatto - 1049
Terra bruciata - 1060
Mosto - 1023
Violetto - 1022
Grigio cenere - 1024
Avorio - 1002
Pergamena - 1006
Tortora - 1035
Cappuccino - 1004
Cacao - 1010
Ocra - 1058
Senape - 1015
Ghiaia - 1003
Nebbia - 1036
Corda - 1032
Arenaria - 1037
Caffè - 1005
Vulcano - 1038
Alublack - 1059
Peppermint - 1050
Verde salvia - 1028
Verde kiwi - 1013
Dark olive - 1051
Sempreverde - 1052
Blu light - 1026
Plumbeo - 1053
Grigio atlantico - 1054
Blu profondo - 1064
Blu oceano - 1044
Verde petrolio - 1027
Blu azteco - 1057
Grigio iceberg - 1056
Bianco - 1001
Ghiaccio - 1039
Grigio light - 1007
Grigio azzurro - 1055
Grigio piombo - 1025
Nero - 1009
Cemento - 1033
Grigio fumo - 1040
Antracite - 1008
Antracite AZ - 1034
Metal lacquered
Gold Sand
Light Copper
Warm Grey
Metal lacquered
Gold Sand
Light Copper
Warm Grey
Tuby System is characterised by the use of drawn tubular-shaped elements, consisting of die-cast joints and extruded aluminium profiles that create different stylistic solutions.
Design product
Tuby System is a project designed by Arter&Citton studio. It represents an innovative project characterised by an aggregative concept that interfaces with the aesthetic lines of the Arblu collections.
Tuby System fits into any composition and enhances the functionality and aesthetics, characterising the cabinet.
A choice of personality
Tuby System is a versatile choice that meets every need, style and size: it can also be designed as a free-standing piece of furniture.