Pietrablu Ciotola washbasins
The washbasins that decorate: essential, material, beautiful
Ciotola washbasins characteristics
- 4 shapes
- 3 textures
- 47 colors
- 96 possibilities
General informations
- Dimensions: 38 cm, 42 cm, 55 cm, 61 cm
- Material cover in same finish of washbasin
- It fits in the Pietrablu surfaces system
Arblu colors

Bianco antico - 1046

Cipria - 1047

Corallo - 1048

Paprika - 1063

Rosso Pompei - 1062

Scarlatto - 1049

Terra bruciata - 1060

Mosto - 1023
Arblu colors

Bianco antico - 1046

Cipria - 1047

Corallo - 1048

Paprika - 1063

Rosso Pompei - 1062

Scarlatto - 1049

Terra bruciata - 1060

Mosto - 1023

Violetto - 1022

Grigio cenere - 1024

Avorio - 1002

Pergamena - 1006

Tortora - 1035

Cappuccino - 1004

Cacao - 1010

Ocra - 1058

Senape - 1015

Ghiaia - 1003

Nebbia - 1036

Corda - 1032

Arenaria - 1037

Caffè - 1005

Vulcano - 1038

Alublack - 1059

Peppermint - 1050

Verde salvia - 1028

Verde kiwi - 1013

Dark olive - 1051

Sempreverde - 1052

Blu light - 1026

Plumbeo - 1053

Grigio atlantico - 1054

Blu profondo - 1064

Blu oceano - 1044

Verde petrolio - 1027

Blu azteco - 1057

Grigio iceberg - 1056

Bianco - 1001

Ghiaccio - 1039

Grigio light - 1007

Grigio azzurro - 1055

Grigio piombo - 1025

Nero - 1009

Cemento - 1033

Grigio fumo - 1040

Antracite - 1008

Antracite AZ - 1034

An aesthetically striking choice, ideal for those who enjoy tactile sensations combined with resistance to both shocks and stains.

This material was developed for contact with water. Due to its stability and antibacterial and fungicidal properties, it is used in ship coatings and food transport.

Each ciotola is modelled using differently textured moulds on exclusive designs to ensure the highest level of product customisation.